Kresge Parliament
Student Government
Kresge College has an active student government that meets Monday evenings at 6:30-8:00pm during weeks 1-9 of the academic quarter to discuss major college and university issues. Kresge is a member of the Kresge Affiliates and Campus-wide Student Organizations.
How can I get involved?? You simply just show up at our meetings and become a member! To obtain voting rights you must attend two consecutive meetings.
Kresge Parliament offers opportunities for community service, support, and activism in a setting emphasizing participatory democracy.
Steps for requesting funding
- Fill out our Kresge Parliament Budget Request Form (
- SOAR / Student Media / Arts & Cultural Diversity Organizations also need to download and turn to the Funding Award to a Student Organization.
- Email the SOMeCA form to to Be sure to include the name of your organization, affiliation, and contact person's email.
- Budget Request Forms must be completed and submitted at least TWO WEEKS before presenting at Parliament.
Get to know Kresge Parliament Core Members!
Positions can be re-voted each quarter. Experience has shown that a year-long commitment to a position works best. A text document of PowerPoint is available here!
Special Shout out to our Kresge Parliament Members
Kresge College Student Parliament Constitution
Stay Connected with Kresge Parliament!
Instagram: @kresgecollege_ucsc