You can join the Annual Fund by giving to any of these areas of your strongest affinity on a recurring basis.

Kresge Annual Fund Gift Designations

Kresge Student Innovators

Supports Kresge College students' pursuit of research and independent study collaborations with research faculty at UC Santa Cruz, and encourages the university’s best educators to be deeper involved in Kresge's academic life.

Kresge Living-Learning Communities

Supports education and programming that emphasizes "hands-on", student-directed learning in "Kresge Labs", strengthening student cooperatives, and Service Learning projects.

Kresge - Power and Representation

Enhances Kresge College's core course by supporting additional instruction to keep class sizes small, support distinguished guest lectures in Kresge plenary series, and helps connect the core course to the broader community by extending its themes into Kresge's Media and Society series.

Reyna Grande Scholarship

The Reyna Grande Scholarship is awarded annually to a Kresge student whose creative work, either in arts departments or in creative writing, is intended to advance the standing and visibility of Latinx culture and history, promote positive outcomes for Latinx communities, or otherwise strengthen awareness and dialogue on Latinx identity.

Kresge Provost’s Fund

The Kresge Provost’s Fund allows the Provost to designate your gift to the area of greatest need and is the most flexible kind of giving to Kresge College.

How to Use the Online Giving Form

In our online giving form — after stating your name, email and gift amount, please select “I would like to make this an ongoing gift” — and then under “Select day of next gift”, and choose the interval of your giving. If you select “Annually”, you will automatically become a member of the Annual Fund. If you wish to be a member of the Annual Fund, but want to divide your gift into smaller installments, please feel free to do so, and let us know (under “Notes or Special Instructions for your Gift”) that you plan to repeat this donation in future years.

Your support—in all its forms, and in all the ways that you contribute to who we are—has a great impact on our growing community and its students. Thank you for all that you give and thank you for being the heart of Kresge!